¡MOF’s activities¡

1. Observation and research of orangutans and tropical rainforests
For protection and conservation, basic research is indispensable. Protection measures ignoring the ecosystem and reality are meaningless. As protected areas are valuable observation and research fields for orangutans and tropical rainforest, our goal is the enhancement and enlargement of these areas.

2. Protection and conservation of orangutans and tropical rainforests
Our activities are proposal and realization of policies including forest patrol and planting trees.

3. Awareness and enlightenment for orangutans and tropical rainforests
Information reported through the media is far from the truth. By exhibiting lecture meetings and poster exhibitions, we would like many more people to understand the present situation of wild orangutans and tropical rainforests.

¡MOF’s objectives¡

In recent years, due to the increased interest in the environment, problems like global warming have been gaining people’s attention. Daily efforts such as energy reduction and carrying Eco-friendly shopping bag are featured in the media, but they’re insufficient to lead to the fundamental solution of the problem. Now, what’s the problem, and what do we have to do? Although CO2 reduction 50 years in the future is being discussed, tropical rainforests might disappear as we speak. They’re chief field of habitat for orangutans and pressured from illegal deforestation and demands of surface resource. Urgent measures and specific assistance are essential.

Recently, there has been a sense of crisis over the orangutan’s extinction, but people are only crying “Protection of orangutans”. It’s inefficient to be an effective measure for the protection of orangutans and their habitat forests. What should the field of protection activities seek for and what should we do? We have to spread appropriate information based on a long-term research and propose measures from clear point of view. Also, just proposing measures of protection won’t do. It’s vital to specifically stretch out a helping hand and execute measures.
Since 1991, a rehabilitation project in the name of saving orangutan orphans have started in Indonesia, but their saving measures misunderstand the orangutan’s cultural actions. The fact is that it should be rethought from now on. Under this circumstance, we’ll propose specific projects using experience and knowledge in the field.
MOF’s activity goals are collaborating between researchers and local people, plus conducting more extensive and multifaceted activities. International support and assistant system is indispensable to advance activities in the field smoothly. We are requesting support in these situations from diverse range of individuals and companies.


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